IoT Surveillance System Platform

Industrial Smart Security and Surveillance IoT System Platform: Internet of Things (IoT) security cameras, sensors and software take facility security beyond basic alarm systems.

An image of IoT surveillance system.

Product Overview

Hangzhou Daxun Digital IoT Surveillance System manages video devices and IoT devices in one system, combines the intelligent monitors and sensors of the IoT with emerging high-speed network solution, allows IoT devices to be “seen” in real time, provides remote video monitoring as well as environmental monitoring, quick and effective alerts to the problems at your facilities.

Powerful video+IoT sensors management

It can not only collect and manage video sources from various brands of multi-cameras and third party VMS systems, but also various brands of IoT sensors, IoT security cameras, other IoT devices and third-party IoT platforms in the fields of power,agriculture,water,logistics,supply chains etc, enable IoT devices to be seen in real time.

An image of security IoT devices
An image of IoT alarm system

Create safer environments

Use live video surveillance to see who enters and leaves, then and analyze the data for asset tracking and detection.

Check the real time IoT devices data or historical IoT devices data to learn the environment conditions.

IoT-based alarm system helps to detect undesired conditions in the environment. While the cameras and sensors sense changes of the environment, IoT surveillance system are responsible for carrying out the actions to bring back the equilibrium.

Deliver security alerts to mobile devices, enabling action based on real-time information.

Intuitive E-map Display

■ Support IoT device longitude and latitude positioning on GIS map.

■ Support video multi screen display.

■ Support IoT device real-time information display.

■ Support real-time video display associated with IoT devices on GIS maps.

An image of E-map which shows IoT devices location and its information.

Key Benefit

■ Scales as business grows

When businesses understand the functionality and the process by which each device operates, they will be better positioned to maximize their efficient resource utilization and also keep track of how they use natural resources. Thus, Internet of Things platforms help to monitor the equipment’s status so that they are functioning properly all the time.

■ Prevent disasters, ensure facility safety and improve security.

Remote monitoring technology can also improve safety within the workplace. IoT surveillance system connected environmental detector/sensor such as carbon monoxide or smoke detectors can sense potential hazards and alert workers on their mobile devices and other organizational health and safety systems. Real-time alerts and comprehensive visibility help business owners and facility managers identify risks in time, so as to prevent disasters and ensure facility safety.

■ Maximize efficiency and improved productivity

IoT surveillance system helps to maximize efficiency and increase productivity. From tracking work schedules, productivity, output, machine runtime, production, capacity and status – a number of variables can be monitored to ensure operations and capital outlays are in sync, and efficient.

■ Better Product Quality Assurance

Workplaces that sell sensitive goods to customers can use IoT surveillance system remote monitoring to raise product quality standards. IoT sensors can check temperature, humidity and other factors near storage areas to alert workers when levels go out of acceptable ranges. Alerts let employees address the issue or move products before they spoil. Consequently, companies can sell higher-quality products to customers and minimize losses.

■ Enhance data collection

the power of Edge Computing and Machine learning gives businesses the ability to generate new insights that were previously unavailable. Business owners and managers can improve security processes by collecting and analyzing data from connected devices. Businesses in the retail sector make use of IoT surveillance real time monitoring technology, in addition to other IoT devices in redesigning their stores according to real-time traffic trends.

■ Mobile viewing APP for IoT remote monitoring

IoT surveillance system mobile viewing APP enable users to see their business at anywhere, anytime, monitor all aspects of their facility from any location. Not only can they act quickly on important security alerts, but they can also assess whether there is a false alarm without inspecting the site in person.


An image of IoT surveillance system application.

Function Features

An image of security IoT devices management

Multiple devices and systems management

It can not only collect and manage video sources from various brands of multi-cameras and third party VMS systems, but also various brands of IoT sensors, IoT security cameras, other IoT devices and third-party IoT platforms in the fields of power,agriculture,water,logistics,supply chains etc, enable IoT devices to be seen in real time.

An image of IoT security monitoring

IoT video monitoring

■ Easily capture and collect video from various brands of front-end video devices.

■ Real time video monitoring, such as monitoring who is entering and leaving a building in real-time.

■ Support the overlay display of IoT device data on the video.

■ Consistently monitor your facility conditions and quickly detect changes in the environment.

■ Act quickly on security alerts without the need to review footage.

■ Network voice intercom for two-way communication with remote camera and control center.

An image of security IoT devices data display

IoT device management

■ Support real-time display of IoT device data.

■ Support historical data query of various IoT devices and display the data in list and chart.

■ Support the export of historical data.

An image of IoT alarm system application

IoT-based alarm system

■ Set alarm threshold for various IoT devices, such as temperature, humidity devices.

■ Set various alarm linkage actions, such as pop-up window on video wall, audible warning, activating access control, sending email or short message etc.

■ Support real time alarm information of IoT device popped up on the client.

Deliver security alerts to mobile devices, enabling action based on real-time information.

■ Video alarm verification

An image of E-map which shows IoT devices location,information and its associated video

Intuitive E-map Display

■ Support IoT device longitude and latitude positioning on GIS map.

■ Support video multi screen display.

■ Support IoT device real-time information display

■ Support real-time video display associated with IoT devices on GIS maps.

An image of IoT surveillance system and its integrated sub-systems.

Integration with video surveillance system, access control system, and more

IoT surveillance system also integrates video surveillance system, access control management, alarm host management, user management, remote mobile viewing and more, enables IoT video monitoring and alarm linkage with each sub-systems, gives you the best system performance in the industry while lowering the overall system costs